Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bike number 2, closing in

I'm finally nearing the finish of my second bicycle. The bike is intended as a super-commuter/cyclocross style bike, and will soon be zooming around Madison, WI, the good lord willing. I've posted some pictures of the nearly finished bike to the right in my Flickr account. A teaser is pictured below:

I've asked $600 for this bike, and given how many hours I've put into the project, an exceedingly reasonable price. The materials cost about $400 bucks, and the $200 for labor works out to something in the neighborhood of $2 per hour. Princely sum, to be sure. As I get better at making these, and am able to refine my technique, and maybe add some equipment for vacuum bagging the frames, I hope to reduce the time by a lot, and increase my price by a little, gradually working my way towards some sort of profit. That seems like a long way off however.

Next up will be a bike for me and a bike for a woman who used to work at my shop here in Philly, Trophy Bikes.

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